Thursday 30 June 2016

7 Of The Best Mexican Restaurants in Bali

e exotica of Mexican cuisine is known as one of the greatest culinary treasures all over the world. As a traveler, wherever your destination is, Mexican restaurants are fairly easy to find. You just have to know how to pick a good one.
In Bali area, these are some good restaurants that’ll serve you with their authentic selections of Mexican cuisines.

1. Holy Guacamole

Photo source: Holy Guacamole
Holy Guacamole is a good place to visit when you’re in a big group. It’s also the first choice for Mexican restaurant with TVs to watch sport matches, in case you don’t want to miss your favorite games. But their authentic fresh nachos and sangria are still delicious and to die for.
Colourful yet design with simplicity, AirBar is definitely one of those chilled restaurants to boost your mood on a Saturday afternoon. Satisfy your craving for Mexican food and drink while you’re in Kuta.

3. Poco Loco

Photo source: Poco Loco
Established in 1992, Poco Loco is a place to look for Mexican cuisine produced with fresh local ingredients.Their philosophy is “We see no reason why people shouldn’t dine well and have fun at the same time.”
Not only you as a visitor, the staff are also having a good time in Poco Loco. And what’s better than a restaurant full of energetic and smiley staff? :)

4. TJ’s Mexican Restaurant

A few minutes’ walk from Kuta beach, you will find its heart known as the famous Poppies Lane. There are countless things that make Poppies Lane special, one of them is the legendary TJ’s Mexican Restaurant. Serves typical Mexican and Cal-Mex dishes, TJ’s has been around since 1984. For that reason only, TJ’s is definitely worth a visit.

5. Motel Mexicola

Photo source: Motel Mexicola
Live Latin music, check. Quirky colors, check. Great Mexican dishes, check indeed. As a place to hangout, the combination of cozy colors and retro design in Motel Mexicola will amaze you. Especially if you’re a full-time Instagrammer.

6. Taco Beach Grill

Photo source: Taco Beach Grill
Want to experience Mexican traditional dish combined with Bali’s finest menu? Taco Beach Grill invented the famous Babi Guling Taco for you. Not only that, Taco Beach Grill also develops unique taste by combining different elements of French, Asian, Spanish and their signature Mexican cuisines.

7. Lacalaca Bali

Photo source: Lacalaca Bali
Led by Chef Lovejoy, Lacalaca is a Mexican restaurant where you can experience the evolution of delicious food and fresh cocktail creations. Adapting the essence and classic style of the hip Colonia Roma zona of Mexico City, this friendly restaurant has been around since 2012 serving authentic Mexican dishes and drinks with smiles. And in case you’re wandering around Canggu area, Lacalaca has opened its side sister restaurant called Lacalita Bar y Cocina in Canggu.
Source: qraved

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Kue Kering Populer Untuk Lebaran Taun Ini

Bulan puasa udah tinggal seminggu lagi nih, dan lebaran udah tinggal sebentar lagi. Mama kamu udah nyiapin kue apa aja nih buat menyambut para tamu pas lebaran nanti? Nah, Qraved bakalan kasih tau kamu aneka kue kering favoritnya orang Indonesia yang pasti kamu juga doyan!
1. Nastar
Dessert, Indonesia, lebaran
Source: resepkuekeringku

Kue kering dengan isian nanas ini emang favorit banget. Nastar yang dimasak menggunakan margarin dan juga selai nanas ini rasanya gurih dengan manis asam dari nanas.

2. Putri Salju

Lebaran, Indonesia
Kue ini warnanya emang putih banget kayak salju makanya dinamain kue putri salju. Kue kering yang dibuat dengan taburan gula halus ini rasanya gurih tapi juga manis. Pas banget buat kue lebaran kamu.

3.Lidah Kucing

Kue kering yang satu ini emang namanya agak-agak aneh. Kue Lidah Kucing ini emang dinamain lidah kucing karena bentuknya yang mirip dengan lidah kucing, dengan rasa yang gurih. Bahkan saking populernya si Lidah Kucing, ada juga lho yang rainbow. Cocok buat cemilan selama lebaran.

Kastengel ini terkenal dengan bentuknya yang persegi panjang. Kuenya yang renyah ini gurih banget karena ditambahkan parutan keju diatasnya. Ternyata kue kastengel ini tuh kue perpaduan antara Indonesia dan Belanda lho!

5. Kue Kacang

Kue Kacang ini tuh udah ada dari zaman dulu banget. Gak cuma buat kue kering lebaran aja, dulu kue kacang ini tuh sering dijual di warung-warung. Perpaduan rasa manis dan kacangnya yang berasa banget bikin kue kacang ini jadi favorit.

Source: Qraved

Tuesday 28 June 2016

7 Places That Serve The Best Pancakes in Ubud And Seminyak

Traveling is an adventure, that’s just a fact and almost everybody can agree to that. But have you ever had that feeling when all you want for one day of traveling is just laying down, taking it easy and not being involved in any kind of adventure whatsoever? Well maybe at least for breakfast time.
We know that feeling, you just need the easiest breakfast available. Pancake is the perfect answer. Pancake is lazy yet very good. Pancake is life. Here’s the list of delightful pancakes in Bali for the lazy version of your adventurous soul.

1. The Fat Turtle

Photo source: @glawreuh

2. Atman Kafe

Everybody knows that Ubud is a great attraction for hippies with its vegan restaurants and padi fields. One of those healthy traditional cafes is Atman Kafe, presenting their simple menu and good coffee. Chill and peaceful, Atman Kafe is about simplicity.
Photo source: @hobbitwithacamera

3. Livingstone Cafe & Bakery

Photo source: @karina2591
And we’re back to Seminyak. In search of one of the greatest breakfast cafes in Seminyak, Livingstone came up to the surface. No details needed, just look at that beautiful pancake!

4. The Coffee House

On your lazy day, nothing beats simple pancake like this one. All you need is slices of banana and syrup and your morning will be perfect and you’ll be ready to start your day.
Photo source: @indah.ersanty

5. Yellow Flower Cafe

Visiting Ubud means coming across numerous of vegan restaurants. If you’re not used to eating healthy food, ignore that feeling. This pancake from Yellow Flower Cafe is to die for!

6. Seniman Coffee Studio

Seniman Coffee certainly famous for its coffee selection. But what’s more important than a cup of great coffee to accompany your pancakes? Seniman Coffee Studio is just perfect for that.
Photo source: @musicio8

7. Copper Kitchen & Bar

Located inside Bisma-Eight Hotel, Cooper Kitchen & Bar is somewhat fancy. With good music and great pancakes, spending a lazy morning in Copper would be interesting. Bring a big group with you.
Photo source: @alexjohneds

Monday 27 June 2016

What's With the Chef Revolution?

Gordon Ramsay
Source: today
It’s become an undeniable fact that people are becoming not only more aware but also more educated in food. This entails appreciating food, eating good food, knowing, spotting and avoiding ‘bad’ food and basically just drowning ourselves in programme after programme about food on our televisions. Be it cable or national, we’re getting used to this ‘food-porn’ – where people cook good food, with good ingredients and make it so pretty that you can actually almost smell and taste what the chef is cooking up on screen.
There are of course numerous food programmes that specialize in a certain culture’s food e.g. Italian with David Rocco, Chinese food with Martin Yan, English fare with Jamie Oliver and so on. And of course the many, many competitions where home-chefs battle it out in programmes like Masterchef, Top Chef, and Hell’s Kitchen etc.
This has in fact, made us not only more aware but also more cultured and that in turn has made being a chef a ‘cool’ job to have. Locally and regionally, we can see cooking classes and also specialized cooking schools springing up in the last couple of years and most of them are filled up with the young eager cooks who just want a piece of the pie (pun intended). Here in Bali, this is no exception, with many hotels offering cooking classes. And there is even the annual Ubud Food Festival!
We have come a long way to the point where here too in Bali, you have your celebrity chefs/food diplomat like TV personality and Petani restaurateur Chef William Wongso from Petani Alaya, the very knowledgable celebrity Chef Judge on Top Chef Indonesia and of Mozaic Bali fame, Chris Salans, and of course the very young and talented Mandif Warokka of Teatro Gastroteque. It is easy to see that the influence of the media on food has made these guys step their game up, all the way from the actual chefs down to their fans, audience and potential customers.
Why is it that we’re so into our food these days? And when I say into, I really mean into. Most of us can even spot and taste if a certain place uses too much MSG, or a certain brand of syrup for a cheap local soda. It’s like now everyone’s a critic!
Jamie Oliver
Source: food
Of course, all in all, it’s a good thing. Watching Floyd the original TV Chef getting drunk on screen; Martin Yan, whom no one understands but who shows delicious looking dishes; Nigella Lawson; and of course the brash, cool style that is Anthony Bourdain. The crazy popularity of shows like these makes our society more informed, more educated and the chefs who prep our food can pride in our informed appreciation of their work.
Source: qraved

Friday 24 June 2016

5 Things You Didn’t Know About THREE BUNS!

Sure, you know that when it comes to delicious burgers in Jakarta, Three Buns is your first stop and while you might already have a favourite, here are five menu hacks and facts that you might not know about the PTT Family restaurant:
Three Buns Executive Chef Adam Penney routinely creates new special items, which are only available for one month. There is always a new taste so even if you are a regular, you’ll never get bored with Three Buns’ menu. Starting on 1 April, the Three Buns special is Lil Kimchi, the restaurant’s first hot dog! This gourmet dog has a smoked beef frankfurter, homemade kimchi and Sriratcha mayo, ketchup and crispy onions all in a brioche bun.
The only downside is if you fall in love with a monthly burger, it might be a short affair. The good news is that popular burgers sometimes make a comeback, like last month’s Ceelo Green, which originally debuted in 2015 or the January 2016 burger Fun Boy Three, a mushroom cheeseburger that was so popular that it will be added to the regular menu starting in April.

Everything is made in-house.

A big reason why Three Buns’ burgers taste better – and like nothing else – in Jakarta is that all of the sauces, condiments and toppings are made fresh by hand in the kitchen. Paired with the highest quality beef and lamb and the freshest vegetables then served on bread baked daily by a nearby bakery, Three Buns’ burgers really set themselves apart from the rest in terms of quality and taste.

Brunch at Three Buns.

Three Buns is perfect for lunch, dinner … and brunch? That’s right from 11am-3pm on Saturdays and Sundays, special brunch items are available, including English muffin sandwiches and dishes that have some local flavour (The Kaya West features homemade kaya jam made from a family recipe). To top it all off, all of the brunch dishes come with a side of tasty tater tots.

Go low carb with Protein Style.

For the health-conscious burger lover, Three Buns’ Protein Style gives you all of the great meat (or grilled veggies if you’re opting for The Roots burger) and homemade sauces and accompaniments but without the carb-heavy bread. Instead, the burger is wrapped in iceberg lettuce, making it a lighter option. You can get any burger on the menu Protein Style, although there is a couple burgers that were specially created for the breadless option. The Skinny Man has fresh avocado (the only burger on the menu to use the ingredient), while Ain’t Nuttin’ But A Peanut, features cucumbers, carrots, coriander and a rich peanut sauce.

Save room for dessert.

Three Buns might be known for its burgers, but don’t overlook the sweet stuff. There is a variety of indulgent desserts, including Big Poppa’s Banana & Hot Fudge Sundae with vanilla ice cream, hot caramelised banana fudge sauce and walnuts and the Vanilla Guerrilla, a vanilla ice cream burger with dark chocolate brioche buns and a hot salted butterscotch sauce. If you’re not in the mood to share, the Pot Heads, indulgent individual dessert pots, are the way to go.

Source: qraved

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Top 5 Mouth Watering Bakmi Places in Jakarta

We all have had cravings for Bakmi at multiple points in our lives. Heck, I have one every other day. So what better way is there to satisfy those cravings than going through this list of insanely good Bakmi places in Jakarta.

1. Bakmi Alok

Chicken noodles also know as bakmi
Bakmi ayam alok

Lets start the list of with a well-known favourite - Bakmi Alok. The noodles here are unbearably good because not only are their noodles just the right level of chewy, the chicken pieces are super fresh and in proper chunks.  A bowl of noodles here will cost you roughly 30,000 rupiah. 

2. Bakmi Aloi

Bowl of noodles bakmi aloi
Bakmi aloi
These noodles do contain pork in them so do bear that in mind. However, if you do decide to try bakmi aloi then be prepared to have your taste buds explode. This is one of the most flavourful noodles I've ever had with a good combination of both chicken and pork. A bowl here would cost you about 30,000 rupiah.

3. Bakmi Karet Foek

Bakmi karet foek or chicken noodles
Bakmi karet foek

Man these noodles are the absolute bomb. If you like slightly chewier noodles, these are the ones to go for. All of the aspects that make up good bakmi are done so well by bakmi karet foek that you might be a little hard pressed to find other noodles that live up to the flavour.

4. Bakmi Khek

Chicken and mushroom noodles khek
Bakmi ayam dan jamur khek
Bakmi khek is incredibly famous in northern Jakarta with many flocking to the joint to get a taste of those awesome noodles. They're specialty is chicken and mushroom noodles and the slight sweet tang of the mushrooms really do compliment the saltiness of the chicken. They also have a vegetarian option for those who need a noodle fix but are going for the healthier route.

5. Bakso Akiaw

Noodles and meatballs
Mi dan Bakso akiaw

Now I know this is a little cheating but bakso akiaw also does some stellar bakmi. Despite being famous for their bakso, I believe that it is when it is combined with the bakmi does the dish truly shine. There's so much deliciousness stuffed in their food and the meaty flavour is so addicting that you'll be begging to go back again.

SKYE Bar & Restaurant - Review

Pan-seared tuna with asparagus, balsamic reduction, almonds, lemon caramel
Pan-seared tuna

SKYE Bar & Restaurant has become somewhat of a symbol in terms of exclusivity and chic since you would be hard pressed to find a table without booking during peak hours. So what is it about this place that makes it so appealing to the point that it is often fully-booked? Well it's actually quite simple. The view. SKYE boasts one of the best views in all of Jakarta since it is located in the central part of the city looking over the skyline. Be it day or night, you will have an absolutely fantastic view of Jakarta (if there is no smog)

The view overlooks the Jakarta city skyline
The view from SKYE

The restaurant itself has two parts, indoor and outdoor, both of which provide views of Jakarta but I personally recommend the outdoor area if it isn't too hot or smoggy (Sunday brunch/lunch is perfect).

Now enough of the view, what about the food? To be honest, it is by no means life-changing but it is indeed very good. They serve a wide range of continental dishes focusing mainly on European cuisine. When I was there I ordered the Black burger, which is definitely a fan-favourite.

Unique black burger with black bun and high grade wagyu with sweet potato fries
Black burger

This burger was absolutely delicious so please don't be put off by the black buns. The burger consists of grade 9+ wagyu, roasted tomatoes and sautéed mushrooms. It also comes with sweet potato fries. They all blend together to make a burger filled with meaty and juicy goodness so expect quite a bit of drippage. Ordering the burger will set you back 250,000 rupiah so it is a little steep but considering the quality of the meat, the price is quite appropriate.

Soy chicken and crunchy romaine lettuce with sesame mustard dressing
Sesame chicken salad

I also had the pleasure to order their sesame chicken salad and this is a neat little dish that is tastier than it has any right to be. The sesame mustard dressing gives the entire dish a fresh kick that accentuates the salty soy chicken. Texture-wise, the dish is super pleasing since it has that crunch from the lettuce but is devolves to the softness of the chicken.

To end the meal, of course I had to order some sort of dessert and this another area where SKYE excels at. I ordered their take on the American camp classic - S'mores. Did you know it's actually a contraction of 'some more'? That makes sense since you always, and I do mean always, want 'some more'. Their version is no different as after finishing the sugary and chocolatey heaven that is marshmallows sandwiched by peanut butter shortbread covered in chocolate, I wanted a second portion.


So is it all worth it? Well it depends. Let's say you get there without a booking and are denied - then obviously it isn't and maybe it's raining or theres a lot of smog, once again it might not be worth it since the biggest appeal of SKYE is most certainly its view and atmosphere. However, if you do manage to squeeze in on a good day then I can say without a doubt that it is one of the premier destinations for dining in Jakarta.


SKYE Bar & Restaurant
Menara BCA, Lantai 56, Jl. MH. Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta
+62 21 2358 6996

Opening Hours

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Seribu Rasa: Does it live up to the name?

Sweet and Spicy gurame seribu rasa
Fried sweet and spicy tiger grouper
Seribu rasa (thousand flavours) is a south-east asian restaurant incorporating cuisine from all over the region but mainly focuses on Indonesian food. It is one of the many restaurants under the Arena Gourmet group which include the likes of La HoyaPenang Bistro and Maison Tatsuya.
The Seribu rasa I went to was the one located in Gandaria City on the ground floor and the actual layout of the restaurant is rather interesting since it has what I would consider two sections: an indoor area that opens up to the rest of the mall and an actual indoor area that is closed off. The atmosphere in the restaurant is often very lively with customers ranging from families, couples and those conducting business meetings.
Seribu rasa interior
Seribu rasa interior
The food heavily focuses on the flavours and the palettes of the south-east asian crowd, with a lot of inspiration from Indonesian cuisine. An ample amount of their dishes are very flavourful and one might even say that there could be a thousand flavours in their dishes...See what I did there? Alright I'll see myself out.
Jokes aside, their menu includes a very respectable number of dishes which all taste very good indeed. You won't find anything too adventurous in the selection of dishes but you'll definitely see some local favourites and staple dishes like ayam goreng and dendeng balado, the latter of which is definitely one of my favourite dishes. Their dendeng balado is the perfect mix of spicy and tasty and since it has just enough spice to leave you gasping for water but not enough for you to be put off so just eat it with some rice and voilà you're set.
The mix of red and green chilli make this a dish with a kick
Dendeng balado
However, where seribu rasa shines is with their seafood. They have a wide array of seafood dishes which are just so flipping good. Their best dishes are hands-down their seafood options. The cook their fish in a number of ways but they mainly focus on a sauce that compliments the particular dish. My personal favourite is the sweet and spicy tiger grouper since the exterior of the fish tends to be crispy whist the interior is still very much soft and succulent. The sauce compliments the dish very well as the spice tickles your tongue and the slightly sweet tang of the sauce leaves a very pleasing aftertaste.
Prawn with salted egg
Sambal fish tanjong benoa
Their other shellfish seafood options are also top-notch ranging from the numerous ways they cook their prawns to the different styles in which they prepare crab. Their crab is where they are able to distinctly showcase their ability to tackle other cuisines other than Indonesian and they do it well. Their Singaporean chilli crab for example is a near dead-ringer for its original counterpart and their other dishes which take features from Malaysian and Thai cuisine, just to name a few, are also very tasty.
Phad thai
Source: qraved
Seribu rasa does not fall on the cheapest side of things but their prices are very reasonable so you should expect to spend arounf 100,000 - 200,000 per person for a full meal. But seribu rasa is most definitely a place where you should share your dishes and so chances are you will be splitting the costs.
Overall, seribu rasa is very effective in what it does by providing very good south east asian dishes that amount to a dining experience that those of any age would enjoy. I highly recommend this restaurant and even though it might not achieve a thousand flavours, it comes pretty darn close.

Seribu rasa
Gandaria City, Lantai Ground, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Gandaria, Jakarta
  • Mon - Sun 11:00 - 22:00

Katsusei: Authentic Japanese Katsu

Katsusei staple dish
Pork Katsu
Katsusei is a chain originating from Utsunomoiya Japan, and it is definitely one of the most authentic Katsu eateries in Jakarta. The restaurant I went to was the one in Sentral Senayan which is far more quaint than its other location in Grand Indonesia. However, this does not detract from the experience at all since it gives a rather homey feel. When you walk into the restaurant through the fabric dividers, you will be greeted by a sight that many people would find reassuring at a Japanese restaurant. Japanese people. 
Katsusei Interior
Now let's get on to the more important matters, the food. I can honestly say that Katsusei provides some of the most authentic katsu dishes in Jakarta which is deep fried meat covered in bread crumb batter (usually pork, but chicken and prawn are common). Alongside the star player, a katsu dish also includes shredded cabbage, pickles and a bowl of rice. All of this is accompanied by a sauce which is also a big part of the restaurant's charm since you kind of have to craft it yourself. You are given sesame seeds which you have to crush using a miniature mortar and pestle and then a special sauce is added to create an absolutely divine mixture. All of these things come together to create a staple Japanese dish for which Katsusei does impeccably.
The dishes that are done best are their pork katsu which you have one of two choices in the type of meat you get; sirloin/loin (lots of fat) or fillet/tenderloin (lean) and they even have different grades of pork quality so if you are willing to shell out a few more rupiah, I highly recommend the kurobuta pork. The katsu-don which is katsu on top of rice covered in egg, onions and pickles is also another stellar dish.
Chicken Katsu-don
If you're looking for something slightly different then I do recommend the prawn katsu which is very similar to tempura but I think that prawn katsu has more of a kick and is a lot more filling.
Prawn Katsu
The price of a set menu dish (includes rice, soup, pickles) would set you back around 150,000 - 190,000 rupiah so it isn't exactly on the cheaper side but they do also offer some great side dishes like chicken karaage and sausages that are not only good, but inexpensive as well.
Overall, Katsusei is a great restaurant that oozes confidence in their preparation of a favourite Japanese dish. I highly recommend this restaurant despite being on the pricier side because it is 100% worth it. What can be better than crunchy and flavourful meat accompanied by a glass of ice cold Japanese beer?

Sentral Senayan 1, Lantai Basement, Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Senayan, Jakarta
021 5731001
  • Mon - Sun 11:30 - 22:00